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Inno Medicine Receives Delegation of Officials Headed by Mr. Yang Renquan, Deputy Party Secretary of Haidian District of Beijing

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On April 26, Mr. Yang Renquan, Deputy Party Secretary of Haidian District of Beijing, led a delegation of government officials to visit Beijing Inno Medicine Co., Ltd. In his entourage were Xiao Yao, Deputy Chief of the Party Committee Office of Haidian, Xue Feifei, Party Secretary of Sijiqing Town, Wei Xing, Town Mayor of Sijiqing, as well as administrative staff of Zhongguancun Science City, Beijing Science and Technology Investment Group (BSTIG) and other departments and units.

During their visit, Mr. Yang and the delegation paid special attention to the Company’s drug delivery platform technology, the development of cardiovascular targeted drugs, and future plans. Ms. Ji Fengyuan, Chief Operating Officer of Inno Medicine received the delegation and gave a presentation about the R&D and innovation achievements of the Company. Fengyuan shared that Inno Medicine was established in 2016 and has subsequently earned honors such as “National High-Tech Company”, “Beijing Specialized and Innovative Small and Medium Enterprise”, “High-Tech Company in Zhongguancun Science City” and “Zhongguancun Gold Seed Company”. Under the leadership of founder Dr. Ma Qian, the team successfully established an active targeted nano-drug delivery platform, and registered 13 invention patents, forming a comprehensive independent intellectual property system. Now Inno Medicine has started the first clinical study for targeted drug delivery that can actively and precisely reverse the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. The new drug has received IND approval from the FDA, making it the world’s first cardiovascular targeted drug to be approved for clinical trials. It holds good prospects to become the first cardiovascular drug worldwide eligible for expedited review by the FDA.

Photo: Ms. Ji Fengyuan, COO of Inno Medicine presents the Company to District Deputy Party Secretary Mr. Yang Renquan

Mr. Yang listened to the presentation attentively and highly praised the Company's innovative accomplishments. He inquired in detail about the Company's needs and the specific issues that require government support. He encouraged the Inno team to accelerate their research and development progress, to ensure that the novel cardiovascular targeted drugs can obtain marketing approval at the earliest opportunity. He expressed hope that Inno Medicine can continue its high-quality growth, contributing to the pharmaceutical innovation in Haidian, which will benefit patients both in China and around the world.

Beijing Inno Medicine Co., Ltd.

Address: Building 9, Area C, Xishan Creative Park, Haidian District, Beijing

Telephone number: +86 8259 9080

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