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Company Profile


Founded in 2016, Beijing Inno Medicine Co. Ltd. stands as a dynamic novel drug discovery, development and manufacturing company. As a national high-tech enterprise, Inno Medicine is committed to crafting precise and efficient diagnostic solutions and targeted medicine to address the most pressing unmet medical needs, thereby advancing medical care for the betterment of mankind.

  • 15000

    Manufacturing site

  • 4800+

    R&D Center

  • 750+ MillionRMB

    Cumulative financing amount

  • 18

    Granted invention patents

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R&D Center

Our R&D center is located in Beijing, with more than 2000 square meters of scientific laboratories. The R&D team members come from internationally renowned pharmaceutical enterprises and universities, with doctoral degree and master's degree holders accounting for 31% and 75%, respectively.

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Technology Platform

We have taken advantage of the liposome active targeted technology in improving drug safety and efficacy to conquer the difficulties with liposomes in particle size distribution, drug loading, entrapped efficiency, stability, etc., and have obtained 13 national patents for invention, 1 U.S. patent, and PCT patents covering the U.S., Europe, Japan, South Korea, Canada and Australia, forming a complete independent intellectual property system and successfully establishing an active targeted nanopharmaceuticals delivery technology platform.

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The pipeline covers AS moderate to severe, high-risk, and preventive indications, which can be expanded to tumors and autoimmunity

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R&D Achievements

In a groundbreaking achievement, Inno Medicine has developed an innovative targeted therapy of atherosclerosis, resulting from a successful technology transfer collaboration with Beijing Anzhen Hospital. This remarkable advancement enables precise and effective treatment of atherosclerosis by employing a unique active targeting delivery system, ensuring the drug reaches the intended site to deliver its therapeutic benefits. YN001 has received IND approval from the US FDA and China NMPA, becoming the world's first cardiovascular targeted drug to enter clinical trials, is expected to become the first cardiovascular drug in history to obtain FDA approval through Accelerated Approval, and become a disruptive treatment method in this field. 

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Join us

Inno Medicine welcomes talents to join us and contribute to the development of the pharmaceutical industries.

With years of professional expertise, we provide a platform for you to showcase your abilities.

We are committed to working with you to create a bright future together.

Welcome to join us, all talents who are interested in the pharmaceutical and technology industries.

Inno Medicine welcomes talents to join us and contribute to the development of the pharmaceutical industries.

With years of professional expertise, we provide a platform for you to showcase your abilities.

We are committed to working with you to create a bright future together.

Welcome to join us, all talents who are interested in the pharmaceutical and technology industries.

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Beijing Inno Medicine Co., Ltd.

Address: Building 9, Area C, Xishan Creative Park, Haidian District, Beijing

Telephone number: +86 8259 9080

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